
Comfortable vs Supportive Mattresses
When you are looking for that perfect new mattress, there are a few things to consider, but two topics should be at the top of your list. Those are the comfort and support of your mattress.
There is a Difference
Many mattress stores use comfort and support interchangeably, but these two terms are very different and refer to separate benefits you receive from your mattress. Having adequate support ensures that you minimize your chance of back pain. Lack of support in your mattress is one of the top reasons for back pain today. Having adequate comfort in your mattress ensures that the rest of your body is comfortable. You are addressing comfort when you are talking about pressure relief in your shoulders or hips. We will get a little more in-depth in a moment, just remember. Support refers to your back, comfort refers to your body. Most mattress collections use the same coil system, which means their support will be the same. While the comfort level may vary (sometimes wildly).
What Exactly is Support?
Support refers to the mattresses ability to resist your body's weight and provide sufficient pressure to keep your spine the proper alignment so you can sleep more comfortably. Without adequate support, your mattress is almost sure to give you back pain.
What Do We Mean by Comfort?
The comfort of any mattress is provided by the top layers of various materials. With such a wide variety of materials at their disposal, mattress manufacturers can create almost any comfort level you can imagine. We include the comfort level of each mattress in each listing so you can get a better idea of what to expect from each model.
Don't Fall for the Firmer is Better Myth
A firmer mattress doesn't necessarily mean that it is a more supportive mattress. The support of each of our innerspring mattresses is provided by the innerspring coil system. This coil system is almost always the same in any of our mattress collections, which means the firm and plush versions of any of our mattress collections provide the same amount of support. If you have found a mattress that has the right amount of support for you, every mattress within that collection will provide the same amount of support whether it is a firm mattress or an ultra-plush one.
Consider How You Prefer to Sleep
Choosing the right mattress has a lot to do with how you sleep. Before you go mattress shopping be sure you know what type of sleeper you are, (stomach, back or side) This will play the largest part in the comfort level you prefer for the best sleep. Back and stomach sleepers will likely prefer something firmer to prevent their back curving in uncomfortable ways whereas side sleepers will likely prefer more plush comfort feels to help reduce the pressure commonly felt on the shoulders and hips.
If you need help finding that perfect mattress please give us a call at 888.996.9890 and we will gladly help you find the perfect mattress for your preferences.
Finished with Your Research?
If you're ready to look at more mattress or want to learn more about which features are most important in a mattress, check out the Mattress Buying Guide here to make your purchase decision easy.